The Cabeen House
1029 North Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60610-2803

Welcome to the website of
Collectors Club of Chicago

- By the encouragement of philatelic research …
- Through the exchange of information with other philatelic organizations …
- By preparation and distribution of philatelic books, articles and/or periodicals …
- By maintenance of a philatelic library …
- Through support of philatelic exhibiting and exhibitions …
- With study of other technical, commercial, and historical aspects related to philately …
In 1967, CCC Member Richard McP. Cabeen and his wife bequeathed their four-level ‘Chicago Brownstone’ home located in Chicago’s historic ‘Gold Coast’ Neighborhood to the Collectors’ Club of Chicago. Now completely renovated, the ‘Cabeen House’, located at 1029 N. Dearborn Street, regularly hosts monthly social and general meetings for its members, accompanied by a formal dinner, and an invited guest speaker.
The CCC Library, considered the largest and most comprehensive philatelic literature library in the mid-West, is maintained not only for the use of CCC members, but is open to anyone in the philatelic community demonstrating a need to conduct philatelic research.
Since 1968, and in accordance with one of its founding objectives, the CCC has published numerous high quality, original research, specialized philatelic handbooks, compendia, and anthologies, with the most recent titles being as diverse as the First United States Perforated Stamps: The 1857 Issue (2005), Intercepted in Bermuda: The Censorship of trans-Atlantic Mail During the Second World War (2006), U.S. Contract Mail Routes by Water: Star Routes, 1824-1875 (2008), United States Ten-Cent 1869 Covers: A Postal Historical Survey (2010) and, Detained, Interned, Incarcerated, U.S. Enemy Noncombatant Mail in World War II (2010), Postage Due — The United States Postage Due Essays, Proofs and Specimens, 1879-1986 (2014) and The Prestamp Period of El Salvador (1525 – 1866) (2015).
The CCC actively solicits for publication all manuscripts reflecting original philatelic research, regardless of the subject matter, or its perceived esoteric content.
Membership in the Collectors’ Club of Chicago is by invitation only.