July 24, 2023

For Immediate Release

CCC Solicits Philatelic Authors

The Collectors Club of Chicago (CCC) has published more than 30 high quality original research specialized philatelic handbooks, compendia and anthologies. A listing of published handbook titles is available on the CCC website: www.collectorsclubchicago.org/published-handbooks.

The CCC actively solicits for publication all manuscripts of merit reflecting original philatelic research, regardless of the subject matter, or its perceived esoteric content. The requisite subject matter includes any specialized aspect related to worldwide philately.

Publishing through the CCC, an internationally recognized and highly respected philatelic organization, is accomplished with no cost to the author, and with no mailing and distribution of the handbooks by the author. The handbook is promoted in the worldwide philatelic press, as well as being listed on Amazon and similar websites.

We invite prospective authors to contact the CCC Publications Chairman for having their manuscripts published. Applicants are requested to provide the title of their manuscript and a brief synopsis of its content.

For more information and to submit proposals, contact via email the CCC Publications Chairman, Dr. Dan J. Undersander at DJUnders@GMail.com.

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