The Cabeen House
1029 North Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60610-2803
Collectors Club of Chicago Published Handbooks
Since 1968, the Collectors Club of Chicago, has published thirty high quality original research specialized philatelic handbooks, compendia, and anthologies:
- New York Foreign Mail Cancellations, 1870-1876, Arthur Van Vlissingen and Morrison Waud (1968)
- Chicago Postal History, Editor: Harvey M. Karlen (1971)
- Franks of the Western Express, M. C. Nathan (1973)
- The United States 1869 Issue: An Essay-Proof History, Fred P. Schueren (1974)
- The United States Mail and Post Office Assistant, Editor: Michael Laurence (1975)
- Colorado Territorial and Pre-Territorial Postmarks, David L. Jarrett (1976)
- The Express Mail of 1836-1839, James W. Milgram, M.D. (1984)
- The Flight of the “Ville d’Orleans”, Ernst M. Cohn (1978)
- The Waterbury Cancellations, 1850-1890, Paul C. Rohloff (1979)
- The Postal Markings of New Jersey Stampless Covers, William C. Coles, Jr. (1983)
- Vessel-Named Markings on United States Inland and Ocean Waterways, 1810-1890, James W. Milgram. M.D. (1984)
- The Minnesota Territory in Postmarks, Letters and History, Floyd E.Risvold (1985)
- British Pictorial Envelopes of the 19th Century, Ritchie Bodily, Chris Jarvis, and Charless Hahn (1986)
- Postage Due: The United States Large Numeral Postage Due Stamps, 1879-1894, George B. Arfken (1991)
- Chicago’s Crabgrass Communities, Harvey M. Karlen (1992)
- An Encyclopedia of Texas Post Offices: Texas Post Offices Under Five Flags, Walter G. Schmidt (1993)
- New Hebrides Islands: Military Postal History of the United States Forces, 1942-1946, Stanley C. Jersey (1994)
- The Stamps of the Mexican Revolution, 1913-1916, Nicholas Follansbee (1996)
- United States Patriotic Covers of World War II, Lawrence Sherman, M.D.(1999)
- The United States Post Office Department in World War II, Lawrence Sherman, M.D. (2002)
- Chicago’s Mail, Harvey M. Karlen (2002)
- Canada’s Registered Mail, 1802-1909, From Money Letters through Insurance for a Fee, Horace W. Harrison, George B. Arfken, and Harry W. Lussey; Editor: K. Gray Scrimgeour (2002)
- The Hungarian Hyperinflation of 1945-1946: The Postage Rates and Postal History of History’s Most Impressive Inflation, Robert B. Morgan (2003)
- First United States Perforated Stamps – The 1857 Issue, Jon W. Rose (2005)
- Intercepted in Bermuda: The Censorship of trans-Atlantic Mail During the Second World War, Peter A. Flynn (2006)
- U.S. Contract Mail Routes by Water: Star Routes, 1824-1875, Hugh V. Feldman (2008)
- United States Ten-Cent 1869 Covers: A Postal Historical Survey, Michael Laurence (2010)
- Detained, Interned, Incarcerated: U.S. Enemy Noncombatant Mail in World War II, Louis Fiset (2010)
- Postage Due — The United States Postage Due Essays, Proofs and Specimens, 1879-1986 by Harry K. Charles, Jr. (2014)
- The Prestamp Period of El Salvador (1525 – 1866), Guillermo F. Gallegos and Joseph D. Hahn (2015)
The CCC aggressively solicits for publication all manuscripts reflecting original philatelic research, regardless of the subject matter, or its perceived esoterica content.
Manuscripts by CCC members and non-members are submitted to the Chairperson of the CCC Publications Committee. The chairperson of this committee thoroughly reviews all manuscripts, and presents recommendations to the CCC Board of Directors. Final approval for the publication of an original philatelic manuscript under the CCC aegis remains with the Board of Directors.
If the manuscript is approved for publication, the chairperson readies the manuscript for the printer, consults with the CCC Board of Directors as to the number of copies to be printed, and arranges to have the printed book(s) distributed to the prearranged recipients.
The CCC Publications Committee Chairperson is Dan Undersander. Should you wish to have your book published by the CCC, the first contact is via email: