The Cabeen House
1029 North Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60610-2803
Collectors Club of Chicago
Members’ Published Articles
The Collectors Club of Chicago members have authored scholarly philatelic articles in general and specialised journals for over eighty years. The subjects of these articles cover the entire spectrum of philatelia, ranging from plating studies of classic stamps, through to esoteric postal history. The CCC is presenting a wide variety of members’ articles, with the listing of available references programmed for expansion at regular intervals.
1914 – The First War Year, Alfred F. Kugel 1914 – The First War Year 1914
1915 – The Second War Year, Alfred F. Kugel 1915 – The Second War Year
1916 – The Third War Year, Alfred F. Kugel 1916 – The Third War Year
1917 – The Fourth War Year, Alfred F. Kugel 1917 – The Fourth War Year
1918 – The Fifth War Year, Alfred F. Kugel 1918 – The Fifth War Year
Austro-Hungarian Empire: The Disintegration of the Hapsburg Empire,1918-1923, Alfred F. Kugel, CCC (Original Publication: American Philatelic Congress Book 2009, No. 75), Hapsburg Empire
Ceylon: Ceylon Planters Rifle Corps, Kathryn J. Johnson, CCC (Original Publication: Ceylon Study Circle Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 3, July 2013), Ceylon Rifle Corps
Ceylon: Exploring the Ceylon Pillar Box Usage, Kathryn J. Johnson, CCC (Original Publication: Ceylon Study Circle Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2013), Ceylon Pillar Box Usage
Germany: The Disintegration of the Hohenzollern Empire, 1918-1923, Alfred F. Kugel, CCC (Original Publication: American Philatelic Congress Book 2011, No. 77), Hohenzollern Empire
Morocco: The British Post Office Service in Morocco, 1907-1957, Lawrence D. Gardner, CCC (Publication: Postal History Society and The British Philatelic Trust 2007), British post in Morocco
Morocco: Ceuta and Mellila – The First Spanish Posts in Morocco, Lawrence D. Gardner, CCC (Publication: Arana, The Journal Of The Spanish Philatelic Society, Edition: Winter 2014), Ceuta&Mllila
Morocco: German Botenpost in Morocco, Lawrence D. Gardner, CCC (Original Publication: Vorläufer, Journal of the German Colonies Collectors Group, Whole No. 79, June 2015), German Post in Morocco
General: The Evolution of 1857-1920s Experimental Machine Postmarks Worldwide, Jerry H. Miller, CCC (Original Publication: The Machine Cancel Forum, The Journal of the Machine Cancel Society, Issue No. 250, October 2014), Machine Cancel Forum
Russia: The Disintegration of the Romanov Empire, 1917-1922, Alfred F. Kugel, CCC (Original Publication: American Philatelic Congress Book 2010, No. 76), Romanov Empire
Turkey: The Disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, 1918-1922, Alfred F. Kugel, CCC (Original Publication: American Philatelic Congress Book 2012, No. 78), Ottoman Empire
Turkey: The Greek Campaign in Anatolia 1919 – 1922, Alfred F. Kugel, CCC (Original Publication: American Philatelist 2001), Greek Campaign
United States: A New Confederate Steamboat Handstamp, Dr. James W. Milgram, CCC (Original Publication: The Confederate Philatelist, Vol. 59, No.1, Whole Number 380, January-March 2014), Confederate Steamboat
United States: Charge to Box, Dr. James W. Milgram, CCC (Original Publication: The Chronicle of U.S. Postal Issues, 2013, No. 239, Volume 65, No. 3), Charged To Box
United States: Early American Valentines, 1840s-1860s, Dr. James W. Milgram, CCC (Original Publication: The American Philatelist, Vol. 128, No. 2, Whole No. 1357, February 2014), Valentines, 1840s-1860s
United States: Money Order Business, Dr. James W. Milgram, CCC (Original Publication: The American Philatelist, October 2011, No. 239, Volume 65, No. 3), Money Order Business
United States: Pasteup Usage of Western Express Franks, Dr. James W. Milgram, CCC (Original Publication: The American Philatelist, Vol. 127, No. 7, Whole No. 1350, July 2013), Western Express Franks
United States: Unofficial Registration, Dr. James W. Milgram, CCC (Original Publication: The Chronicle of U.S. Postal Issues, 2009, No. 221, Volume 61, No. 1), Unofficial Registration
United States: U.S. Issues of 1861-68, Rich Drews, CCC
PowerPoint Presentation, Turmoil in the Union Postal System During the Civil War – Demonetization of Existing Postal Stamps and the Rush to Create Replacement Issues, U.S. Issues of 1861-68 — [PDF Version]